Healthy Restaurants

We all eat out, whether it be for convenience, enjoyment, or simply because we don’t like to cook. Healthy Harford’s goal is to help make it easier for you to eat healthy while eating out.


  • People are eating out more than ever – Over the past 20 years, the % daily calories consumed outside the home has nearly doubled
  • Restaurant food often contains more calories per meal, more total fat and saturated fat per calorie, and less fiber, calcium, and iron than food prepared at home


Need help finding a healthy option at your local restaurant?

Visit Harford now marks local healthy dining options as well as restaurants that offer vegan and vegetarian options.


What would be considered a healthy meal option:


  • less than 750 calories
  • no more than 30% of the calories from fat, 10% from saturated fat,
  • no more than 850 mg of sodium
  • something where at least 1/2 the plate is fruit and vegetables
  • 3 oz. of lean protein (lean meat, seafood, beans, legumes or equivalent)
  • no deep fried items
  • option to have sauces on the side